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Прадравидийский: *ándug-
Значение: clearing nut plant
Праюжнодравидийский: *andug-
Прателугу: *andug-
Праколами-гадаба: *ā̆ndug
Комментарии: A rather local root. The Kolami word could be thought of as a borrowing from Telugu, but that does not explain the irregular vowel length in M. B. Emeneau's recordings (although the entry does bear the tag of 'recording uncertain'). The second syllable (*-ug-) is detachable as a 'weak' suffix, but no individual *and- 'sāl tree' is attested. // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *aṇí-
Значение: to wear (ornaments); beauty
Праюжнодравидийский: *aṇi-
Комментарии: A solid SDR root. // Present in 1/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *an-p-
Значение: 1 to load 2 to send away
Праюжнодравидийский: *an-up-, *amp-
Прателугу: *an-/*amp-
Прасеверно-дравидийский: *amb-
Брахуи: hamp-ing
Комментарии: The NDR forms suggest that the base *an-p- is archaic enough to have been represented in PDR.
Прадравидийский: *anṭ-
Значение: to stick
Праюжнодравидийский: *anṭ-
Прателугу: *anṭ-
Праколами-гадаба: *anṭ-
Прагонди-куи: *a[n]ṭ-
Комментарии: See also *anḍ- 'to join'. // Present in 4/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *aṇV́-
Значение: to mock
Праюжнодравидийский: *aṇak-
Прателугу: *aṇak-
Прасеверно-дравидийский: *an-aṛ-
Комментарии: A local root, participating in expressive reduplications (cf. Tulu aṇakasaṇaka) and not at all reliable; the potential Malto match (without the suffix *-k-), however, is too interesting to be left unnoticed. // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *anǯ-
Значение: to fear
Праюжнодравидийский: *anǯ-
Прателугу: *anǯ-
Прагонди-куи: *aǯ-
Комментарии: PGn (PKK) *aǯ- lacks an -n-, probably for back-formation reasons (PKK *aǯ- < caus. stem *as-). The relation to Brahui hīj-ing 'to be scared, startled' is unclear. // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *aŋ-
Значение: a k. of relative (brother/sister)
Праюжнодравидийский: *t-aŋ-
Праколами-гадаба: *taŋ-
Прагонди-куи: *aŋi, *taŋi
Прасеверно-дравидийский: *taŋ-
Комментарии: Used extensively with pronominal prefixes.
Прадравидийский: *áŋal-
Значение: to weep, to grieve
Праюжнодравидийский: *aŋal-
Прателугу: *aŋal-
Прасеверно-дравидийский: *aŋl-
Комментарии: A formerly nominal root, as is seen from the strong position of the inlaut consonant (*áŋal- > aŋ(g)al- in modern languages instead of *aŋál- > *agál-). // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *aŋā́ḍi
Значение: market
Праюжнодравидийский: *aŋāḍi
Прателугу: *aŋaḍi
Праколами-гадаба: *aŋāḍ-i
Комментарии: A dubious cultural term (acc. to Burrow & Emeneau, possibly related to Old Indian aŋgaṇa- "court"). Similarly, Kolami-Gadba forms may actually represent later reborrowings from Telugu. // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *áŋāl-
Значение: to yawn, gape
Праюжнодравидийский: *aŋā-
Праколами-гадаба: *aŋ[l]-
Прагонди-куи: *aŋl-
Прасеверно-дравидийский: *aŋ(a)l-
Комментарии: A bisyllabic root with the inlaut nasal cluster (*-ŋ- = *-ŋg-) in a strong position. Auslaut *-l- is most probably lost in SDR where bisyllabic roots of this kind (with a second long vowel) never end in liquid resonants. // Present in 4/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *áŋka-
Значение: fight, quarrel
Праюжнодравидийский: *aŋka-
Прателугу: *aŋka-
Комментарии: // Present in 2/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *áŋkaṇa-
Значение: space between two pillars
Праюжнодравидийский: *aŋkaṇa-
Прателугу: *aŋkaṇa-
Комментарии: A cultural term only found in SDR-Telugu; Burrow & Emeneau suggest the possibility of borrowing from Old Indian but offer no etymology. // Present in 2/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *ápa-
Значение: father (hon.)
Праюжнодравидийский: *apa-
Прателугу: *appa
Праколами-гадаба: *apa
Прагонди-куи: *ā̆p-
Комментарии: Irregular (expressive?) vowel lengthening is observed in some Gondwan languages. This is one of the two main PDR roots for 'father', the other being *t-and_-; judging by the difference in meaning, the latter was the more 'formal' appellation (which is why it is more frequently met with archaic pronominal prefixes than *ápa-), whereas the latter is clearly a "children's" word. // Present in 4/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *ápa-
Значение: cake (of rice flour; of special interest to children)
Праюжнодравидийский: *ā̆pa-
Прателугу: *appa-
Брахуи: appā
Комментарии: Certain problems are caused by the Tamil-Malayalam forms which feature initial ā-; also unclear is the fact that Old Indian has the word as apūpá-, pūpa- (Turner 491). This does not include the possibility of Proto-Dravidian origin (cf. the Brahui parallel), but if the vowel length in Tamil and the trisyllabic structure of the OI form are related (e. g. āppa- < *apūpa-), this may hint at an obscure borrowing source for both subgroups. // Present in 3/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *ap-, *áp-aḷi-
Значение: to stick (with hand), plaster
Праюжнодравидийский: *ap-
Прателугу: *appaḷi-
Комментарии: The Telugu forms are somewhat dubious (only the derivative in -aḷi- is found, which could be a borrowing from Kannaḍa). Nevertheless, this is at least a fairly sutrdy SDR root, and it certainly has nothing to do with PDR *čap- 'clap hands' despite Burrow & Emeneau's comparison (the latter always preserves the affricate). // Present in 2/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *ar-
Значение: rare
Праюжнодравидийский: *ar-
Прателугу: *arV-d-
Комментарии: The original root was probably monosyllabic, due to the lack of stems like *aruvu in SDR. // Present in 2/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *arái-
Значение: to rub two things against each other (> to grind; to launder)
Праюжнодравидийский: *arai-
Прателугу: *rā-
Праколами-гадаба: *rā-k-
Прагонди-куи: *rā- ~ *rē-
Комментарии: The entry in DEDR is a perfect example of the frequently witnessed confusion of data: it gives Konḍa rēs- 'to stir and mix, to plate (metals)' as a potential cognate, but later on the same form (rēs-) resurfaces in DEDR 3949 as 'to make plating (of metals)' and still later on in DEDR 4610 as 'to stir, mix' (!!!). This is, of course, due to the fact that proper reflexation of PDR auslaut vocalism in syncopated roots in Gondwan is rather hard to establish. // Present in 4/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *arai
Значение: half
Праюжнодравидийский: *arai
Прателугу: *ara
Праколами-гадаба: *ar
Комментарии: Safely reconstructed for the PSDR-Telugu level; the Naiki form is dubious (possibly a Telugu borrowing), which makes the PDR status of the word somewhat less probable. On the other hand, a credible internal etymology or borrowing source for the word is unavailable. // Present in 2/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *arajái
Значение: Ficus religiosa
Праюжнодравидийский: *araçai
Прателугу: *rāvi
Праколами-гадаба: *rāvi
Прагонди-куи: *rāji
Комментарии: In Telugu (and Kolami, if rāvi is not a re-borrowing from Telugu) there has probably occurred an early dissimilation *arajai > *aragai, from whence the dialectal variation between -g- and -v-. // Present in 4/6 branches.
Прадравидийский: *argil-
Значение: chest (of body)
Праколами-гадаба: *argil-
Прагонди-куи: *arɣil-
Комментарии: A Central Dravidian isogloss. The element *-gil- may be an old suffix (cf. the derivative form *kavŋ-gil- from *kavŋ- 'armpit'); however, the root *ar- still has no reliable parallels outside Central Dravidian. // Present in 2/6 branches.
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